Webconsuls Blog

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Life Streaming using BrightKite, Twitter and Plurk

When out and about, Lisa and I are "Life Streaming" using Brightkite, Twitter and Plurk.

It added a whole new dimension to our trip to Tucson.

By sending a SMS message to BrightKite with our location, @ Blythe for instance, Then sending shots we were taking with our iPhones via email to BrightKite where they were then tagged with that location.

As BrightKite posted the picts they tweeted them for us so those that were following would be notified of new content. (HI MOM!)

With the actual conversation taking place on Plurk, where we could use the direct link to all of those iPhone/BrightKite images we took the time to share.

Next we get home and slam everyone with our Nikon shots...

But that is another post.

Got a Life? Have fun with it!


  1. and I left off Blogger!? ;)


  2. The slideshow at the top of this post is stunning. I'm a social media geek but not a tech geek so much so I just _know_ you'll want to share your tool used to do this :)

  3. Hi Susan! thanks for asking, the slideshow at the top of this post is powered by Picasa, and shot with our new Nikon D60, we love it!


    You are one special social media geek!

    I think about you every time I see a bag of frozen peas! ;)


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