Webconsuls Blog

Friday, October 17, 2008

Chinese Democracy- The Guns N Roses Long Awaited Record To Be Released

Regardless if you are rock n roll enthusiast like me or not, you have probably heard at least once over the last 15 years that the infamous Axl Rose's (solo) Guns N Roses album is in the making, and then coming out, and then not. This has been what fans have been hearing for years and years- namely the its NOT coming out part. As a side note, I have marked it a solo Guns N Roses record out of sarcasm because the revolving lineup for the band has changed multiple times since the original memebers left Axl in the mid-90s. Effectively this is an Axl solo record, meaning no Slash, Duff, Izzy etc.
Rumored to be a Best Buy exclusive, bestbuy.com has a release date, picture and track listing for the record. This is as close as we can get to it actually happening people. It is like the 2nd coming, which in reality is sad if you are a fan or this band or just a fan of rock n roll because there is no way that the music itself can live upto the 11 year hype. But that will not stop me from persuing this record because that is what is great about music- its infinite possibilites.

Anyway, here's to good music and the potential of greatness:

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