Webconsuls Blog

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Beta label removed from Google Chrome

Google Chrome official release
Today was the 15th release by Google and within 100 days of its initial launch. Google announced this morning the first release of Google Chrome without the beta label attached to it.

We've been talking about Google Chrome since September and most of you already know what an amazingly fast browser it is. With the first release without the beta label, Google has improved the stability and performance of plug-ins (video performance in specific) which had issues in the beta version. When doing a benchmark test on V8 JavaScript engine, it runs 1.5 times faster on V8 benchmark. Google claims this will get even faster.

Google Chrome's bookmark feature is now even friendlier. Some users had problems in the beta release which have now been resolved. Now you can organize your bookmarks and import/export from different browsers.

Most users that use Mozilla Firefox also utilize the plug-ins feature. Hopefully in the next few days, Google will come out with extensions to integrate with Google Chrome.

What are your thoughts? Which browser would you say has the most potential?

1 comment:

  1. Google Wins. I now use Chrome for all Google Web Apps, I use Firefox for web dev, and I use IE as anon to view my work. I started using Chrome for Email full time as a result of a challenge from Tris Hussey. Tris was a presenter at this years blog world expo, it is faster than Outlook and once you enable all the cool new labs features, everything you need in a portal page. I smell a blog brewing...


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