Webconsuls Blog

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Google Experimenting With Digg Style Voting On Search Results

If you saw this one coming, give yourself a very large prize. Google is experimenting with Digg style voting features on search results that allow users to vote up or bury search results they see.

What is it?

Google is always experimenting with new features aimed at improving the search experience.

This experiment lets you influence your search experience by adding, moving, and removing search results. When you search for the same keywords again, you'll continue to see those changes. If you later want to revert your changes, you can undo any modifications you've made. Note that this is an experimental feature and may be available for only a few weeks.

How do I use it?

Like it?

This button (fig. 1b) will move the result to the top of the page and add this orange marker (fig. 1a) next to it so you can easily recognize it. The result(s) you promote will appear at the top whenever you search for the same keyword(s) in the future.

Don't like it?

This button (fig. 1b) will remove the result, and it will remain hidden when you search for the same keyword(s) in the future.

Know of a better webpage?

At the bottom of the search results (fig. 1c) you can give the address of a page that's relevant to your search. When you search for these same keyword(s) the page you've suggested will appear at the top with this orange marker .

Is it permanent?

Your changes will be applied each time you search for the same keyword(s). There's a link at the bottom of the search results that lets you view the results in their original ordering.

Do you have to be signed in?

Yes. To see your changes next time, you must be signed in to your Google account.

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