Webconsuls Blog

Friday, October 19, 2012

Are You Too Busy To Stay Connected?

Staying connected can be exhausting, even with a ThunderShirt!

Are you too busy to stay connected? 

It seems we've been too busy. The last time we published a post on this blog was June 12, 2012. There...we admit it. Staying connected should be easy in today's world. We have so many platforms like FACEBOOK, TWITTER, YouTube and GOOGLE+...but the business of working with our clients has had to be our priority over the past few months. We have added some new clients which included new designs, we've worked with some clients with mobile website conversions, there are always updates to be done, staying abreast of SEO and SMO news and we are always coaching our clients on blogging and staying connected. But as they say: "The cobbler's kids have no shoes and the plumber's house has leaky pipes."

Guiding new clients...

The other day a client asked about the best way to stay connected. The first rule is really "just do it!" If you want a FACEBOOK page, then remember very few people are going to "like" your page and stay engaged if you don't take the time to let them know what is new with your business. Some clients want a full briefing about staying connected in the virtual world, including a history of social media.

Copyblogger comes to the rescue...

Today's RSS feed included a link to Copyblogger's latest post: A History of Social Media. And Copyblogger said we could share this history with our own readers. So here goes...be prepared it will take you back 41 years!

A History of Social Media [Infographic] - Infographic
Like this infographic? Get more content marketing tips from Copyblogger.

What else keeps us busy?

If the infographic didn't exhaust you and if you are anything like Webconsuls and our team, then there are probably 50 items on your daily "to do" list. New projects are always fun, it gives us a chance to learn more about our clients and the latest technology.

What's on your "to do" list today? 



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  1. That's kind of difficult to explain to most clients that are not yet familiar with social marketing. Considering how some of the more established firms are still not familiar with how it works, they definitely need the full briefing.

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