Webconsuls Blog

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Google+ Local Takes Over Google Places Neighborhood

English: Google+ wordmark (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Keeping up with Google Places was almost  considered a full time job. On May 30, 2012, GOOGLE announced that Google Places will now be integrated with Google+ and have a new name Google + Local! I don't know about you, but I am exhausted.

The Google announcement was published on what they call their Google and Your Business Blog. This article was posted by Jen Fitzpatrick, VP Engineering. I don't know Ms. Fitzpatrick, but I am pretty sure she is very proud of Google's latest update; however, I feel she may not have any idea what is involved with running a small business that has come to depend upon Google for generating local business.

Have you met Dave, Dave and Dave of Staples fame? Watch their commercial.  Then tell me if as a small business owner you don't often feel like Dave.

If you are having trouble viewing the video, you can see it here.

Ok, let's get back to Google + Local.  What I am going to do is provide you with is a list of good articles that discuss this news in pretty straightforward language.  As Greg Sterling, Contributing Editor at Search Engine Land warned:

"Business owners will probably have a somewhat more difficult transition than consumers, as they’re compelled now to pay attention to Google+ — in a big way. They now ignore Google+ at their own peril."

Related Articles and Video:
Goodbye Google Places, hello more Google Plus
Google Talks More About Google Places & Google+ Local
Hello, Google+ Local!
New Google+ Local Replaces Google Places
What happened to Google Places? 
Google Places Is Over, Company Makes Google+ The Center of Gravity for Local Search

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