Webconsuls Blog

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Brightkite Application for iPhone Released

Brightkite for the iPhone from Brightkite on Vimeo.

Brightkite, a location based social network, now has it's own iPhone application. One of the unique features of Brightkite as a social network is that it organizes its members according to where they are geographically. After experimenting with the new iPhone application I anticipate there will be an upsurge in Brightkite activity as the application makes this social network not only easy to use but very appropriate to the iPhone's features. Application will require the iPhone 2.1 software.

I have found as a general rule that I prefer the iPhone application interfaces for social networks to their online equivalents. It seems to me that when designers have to flesh an application down to fit on the iPhone improvements and ease of use tend to follow. I will surely be checking in more as the "checking in" procedure is really sleek with the iPhone's GPS built in.

Take a picture and geo-locate it. Find where your friends are nearby. Take a look at Brightkite, it is especially fun when you are traveling as you can search for restaurant reviews and local attractions. It is a great place to ask for restaurant and lodging suggestions and there tends to be a trend among users to photograph and post their meals when dining out.

1 comment:

  1. I really digg Brightkite, I like how you can set it to notify you if another BK user is in your area. That is how we met Jasper Blue and Andrew, they were having a nice day on the pier.


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