Webconsuls Blog

Friday, November 28, 2008

Plazma vs LCD HDTV

The old debate, Plasma vs LCD has existed as long as the technology has.
If you are like me and you have heard all of the arguments and everyone says something different, the video at the following link will sort the facts.

For example, which type is better for movies versus video games. The comparison mentions how the type and amount of light will affect each version and other aspects the lay person may not think about.

When it comes down to it for me, both Plasma and LCD bring positives to the table and while the other type may be better or worse at something else, neither is the greatest across the board. Therefore, which ever technology is a better deal for the money at a certain size is the one I will buy. Having said that, if you are using the TV for a primary purpose, then it would make more sense to utilize the technology that caters to that purpose.

CNet will break it all down.
Please feel free to add your vote- LCD or Plasma?

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