Webconsuls Blog

Sunday, November 9, 2008

There is Nothing Wrong with Change

I wanted to take this Sunday morning to talk about the recent progress made in the United States of America. I am twenty four years old and I have not seen many monumental things take place, that when I am older I can look back and say, "I was there to witness it". Barack Hussein Obama winning the Presidential election was my generation's "moon walk", it was something that I never thought was possible; and now that it has happened I can not help but feel like this election was amazing. I have a restored hope in the nation and its people, the 2008 election made loud and clear that anything in America is possible; or as a quote that my mother likes, " don't let your dreams die inside of you".

I am not sure whether Obama is going to make a good President. I am not sure if he is going to right all the wrongs of our past. All I know is that the world has been forever changed as of late; fortunately I can say I was alive to be a part of our transition into the future. I am excited and overjoyed with America's new promise and with the restored hope that the people's voice can and will be heard. What will tomorrow bring? I can't wait to see!
"There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction."
-Winston Churchill-

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