Webconsuls Blog

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How Much Does NOT Having a Website Cost

Let's look at some of the opportunity costs of NOT having a website.

How will people find you? Yellow Pages?
You may want to rethink. The other day as I walked up to our door I passed my neighbor's doorstep and noticed the Yellow Pages had arrived. There was a copy on our front doormat as well. Upstairs there was a third copy.

I set mine inside.

The next day I noticed the Yellow Pages were still out on everyone's doorstep. After about a week and some rain I took it upon myself to remove the Yellow Pages and put them in the recycle bin.

What has happened? The Yellow Pages was once the first place a search for a service or product began.

Blog comments to a post on the "LISNews Librarian And Information Science News" also reflect this change in consumer behavior.

By not having a website a good portion of consumers will not find you listed when they search for products and services.
  • You need customers to find your business. If they don't find you they will find your competition.
  • A website is flexible. Unlike print ads and other media websites can be altered and changed after they are "published" to the web.
  • A website can save you time by describing your services, answering common questions, and providing resources.
  • Websites are global. There is no geographical barrier to websites. With one website you have the opportunity to reach anyone in the world with an internet connection.
  • Prospective customers expect a business to have an online presence. By not having a website you risk appearing unprofessional and unestablished.
  • Websites can provide valuable data on prospective customers. Your website can provide your business with marketing information unavailable in other formats. Statistics regarding popularity of website content, information was most often viewed, where website visitors originate and exit, and if they converted. This important marketing information can be gathered and shown visually in a myriad of methods depending on the tools you choose to use. This information can be used to make immediate adjustments and improvements in your marketing efforts.
  • Websites give an opportunity for small businesses to compete with larger corporations. The internet has leveled the playing field. A small company can appear more established with a well designed website than a larger business or even a corporation.
Click here for a website and web marketing proposal.

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