Webconsuls Blog

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sleeping Remedies That Avoid Over The Counter Drugs

So if you're like me and have problems sleeping and want to avoid OTC (over the counter) sleeping pills then you should read this post. I did some research since I've been having trouble falling asleep for a few weeks now.

Below is a list of steps, try a few and see what works for you.

1) Exercise regularly at least six hours before going to bed. If you have an office job you are more likely to have insomnia than someone who does physical work.

2) Sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Doing this will allow your body to get use to sleeping and waking up at a certain time and your body will adjust to that routine.

3) Drink a warm glass of milk 15-20min before going to bed. The calcium in milk relaxes your nerves.

4) Eat a bed time snack before going to bed. Something small with low protein and high carbs such as cookies and juice.

5) Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, and Tobacco. Alcohol may get you tired and 'buzzed' but research has shown that it prevents deep rest.

6) Sleep on your back. This is the best position for relaxing as it allows all your internal organs to rest properly. Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach because it causes pressure on your internal organs which results in shallow breathing.

7) Count backwards. Although this is something I read online and does not seem to work for me, it has worked for some people. Start counting backwards from 1,000 and hopefully you'll fall asleep before you get to zero. Don't continue counting to negative numbers. If you did not fall asleep by the time you got to zero, it's probably not working for you.

8) Earplugs. I'm a very light sleeper and can lose my sleep from someone walking outside my bedroom door. Earplugs can give you a good night’s rest if noise is an issue.

9) Wiggle your toes. A friend of my told me about this and it comes from some yoga techniques. Wiggling your toes up and down 12 times can relax your entire body and help you fall asleep.

10) Sleep with your head facing north. Aligning your body with the magnetic field of the planet to bring your energy in sync with the planet. (I myself did not even bother trying this one)
Share your thoughts and keep this list growing.

What remedies do you have for falling asleep?


  1. You need to go for a paddle in the ocean. There is nothing like being in the water to give you a good night's sleep.

    A friend of mine sets up a special talking book with a speaker under her pillow. If she wakes in the night she listens to her audio book and returns to sleep. The player shuts off on its own.

  2. Hmm, I like the ocean idea but would require making some time to go there and come back. Will consider it after the wedding.

    As for the audio book under the pillow, that sounds interesting. Thanks Lisa.

  3. All those tips will really help. Very good post!

    Just this week actually I was up until 4 am finding it hard to sleep...that's what happens when you sit at a desk all day and don't move around much.

    But I can't sleep on my back like it suggests in tip #6 there. I have to sleep on my stomach or side.

    Stuart Stirling

  4. Thanks Stuart. How strange, I found myself starting to write this post around 4 am.

    As for sleeping on your side, you should keep a pillow between your legs to relieve back pain.


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