Webconsuls Blog

Friday, May 1, 2009

Does PPC Help Branding?

New Research suggests that Pay Per Click campaigns can positively affect branding.  In the words of the linked article, 'Turns out that search lifts brand metrics, particularly when paired with other media. Better yet, post-click lift in search metrics is off the charts, perhaps finally validating my branding effectiveness '.

Get you name out there as a goal, while simulanteously achieving your Web Site goals- whether it be defined as sales, leads or phone call traffic.  Brand awarness, especially in your targeted and/or local community can be a significant source of traffic (of all kinds, including walk-in and referral).

The article by Payperclickuniverse, adds that 'brand lift' occurs after the click is made, sending the searcher to your web site- according to their research.  And this makes sense in our experience.  How are you catering to your niche, market and locality?  What differentiation is made, and how are you marketing and identifying that to you client base?

If these questions are difficult to answer- visit the one stop shop of all things internet marketing, Webconsuls.com


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