Webconsuls Blog

Friday, May 15, 2009

Yahoo Search Marketing Notification Email- "Minimum bid requirements have increased for some of your keywords"

Have you ever gotten an email notification from Yahoo Search Marketing stating that your 'Minimum bid requirements have increased for some of your keywords' in a Pay Per Click account you have with them?

Well let me attempt to set the record straight.  This auto notification email specifically pertains to a keyword or set of keywords in your account that Yahoo is adjusting is invisible 'floor' of bidding.  This is to say that for Yahoo's PPC program, they choose and set a minimum bid required to be displayed at all, even on lower pages.  Therefore, the 'old school' model of being at the minimum bid of $.10 may not get you any impressions.

This auto notify email is then attempting to tell you that you may need to increase your bids as a result of this invisible floor raising up on your keyword(s).

These emails shouldn't though, give you too much of a problem in having to log into your account and track down the affected keywords, because if you were at the minimum bid previously and now wouldn't be displayed, you weren't pushing this keyword aggressively in the 1st place.

It is annoying to me how Yahoo goes about its business in attempting to alarm you with auto emails, so you can take time out of your day and in their hopes, spend more money with them.  Again, if this was an important keyword for your campaign, you would be attempting 1st page positioning and therefore wouldn't be affected.

Yahoo is sure to let you know when your account has run out of money or in this case, when it wants you/is making you bid higher on the per click level.  Now I just hope I can get some service on why they reject an Ad URL change and NOT tell me about it.

Do you have a marketing account with Yahoo and have no idea what I'm talking about?  Let me educate you and help build your business.  Yahoo historically around 33% cheaper than Google AdWords, both of which are necessary.
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