Webconsuls Blog

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Being Tagged Is Annoying!

TaggedTagged (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

On June 5, 2009, I received an email that looked as if it was being sent to me from one of our clients. It was from "Tagged" and the subject line said "XXXXX X sent you a message...". Keep in mind I recognized XXXXX X as the first name and first initial of the last name of this client. So I opened the email. There was a photo of the client and a message that said "You have a new message from XXXXX X, check out these private photos. OK, OK, are you wondering why I continued? Well, this client has frequently over the past few years found innovative ways to send me large photos to use on her website. So, naturally I thought I better oblige and enjoy being TAGGED! What I now know is this: Being TAGGED is Annoying!
  1. Even though I went through the process of filling out the TAGGED application, I never did see my client's "photos."
  2. I started receiving emails from TAGGED telling me that I was welcomed to their world, that I was receiving extra bonus points.
  3. And then suddenly on June 18, someone I have never heard of, one Robert Buy, set me FREE! Really?
I thought back to the days of my childhood. I am sure no matter how old you are you have some memory of playing a game of TAG. Don't you? Did you like it? I think basically we played tag to kill time and as someone said on Wikipedia: "The game continues until the players are tired or lose interest." Go ahead read up on the game of TAG on Wikipedia...it is very interesting.
On Friday morning I was all set to write this post about QWERTY, but my husband asked me to look at his new TAGGED friends. Oh, please...a regular smorgasbord of beauties. Then I began to think about this a little more: Am I the only person who feels being TAGGED is annoying? Apparently not. I googled and found the most interesting article from TIME.com dated June 11, 2009, "TAGGED: The World's Most Annoying Website."
Now hear this. I am going to cancel my TAGGED account because I am tired and have no interest in being annoyed with extra emails, bonus points and I was not set free by Robert! How about you, do you find being TAGGED annoying?
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1 comment:

  1. I use to have a problem with random Tagged emails but those stopped. I now have a bigger problem with Fanbox. I get emails on a daily basis (sometimes few emails) from random people asking me to install some application on there. All the emails end with 'Launch Application on FanBox'. Quite frankly, I'm not a fan.


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