A few of observations about BING:
- On the serious side: I want our clients to know that the Webconsuls' Team will be following and studying the impact of BING from an SEO standpoint. That is what we are tasked to do. There are a number of questions to be asked and answered, but we must do this responsibly. And on that front, Webconsuls will keep our clients informed.
- BING is quite lovely to look at. Everyday the home page photo changes and these photos are dramatic. Google's basic home page is pretty blank, but works. Yahoo, which by the way is still my default home page has a lot of information and I have grown accustom to reading the news' headlines, clicking on finance, travel, etc, I have never had a Yahoo account or email account.
- There are a number of sites that you can visit that will allow you to compare search results for BING to GOOGLE, like this one. And there is another site that lets you compare search results from GOOGLE, BING, and YAHOO. This site's search results are returned in a "blind" state and the fun feature about this site is that you can vote for which search results best suits your search query. You might be surprised which search engine's results you really like.
BING Toy Company founded in 1863, famous for the manufacturing of toy trains
Bing is apparently a fairly common surname, and let's not forget Chandler Bing of Friends
BING Candy Bar, made in Iowa
BING cherries, all with pits
Bing is another name for a slag heap which is a collection of the tailings or by-products of mining (DATA Mining comes to mind?)
Bing is the name of a soft drink produced in England
Bing is the name of Chinese flat bread
Bing is also a phrase used by prison inmates to describe solitary confinement
Ok, maybe they didn't do a lot of name research, maybe they just liked the sound of "BING". Maybe they like saying "Bing and Decide". Whatever....I invite you to go to their Discover Bing informational site and learn all about it.
Webconsuls will continue to study BING and keep you informed. Let me know what you think.
B.I.N.G Because It's Not Google...