Webconsuls Blog

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Microsoft & Yahoo agree on Internet search partnership- Again

Microsoft and its new Bing search engine has partnered up with Yahoo and its Search Marketing.  About five years ago a similar partnership existed for a few years, which ended with Microsoft essentially saying, ok we can do it better on our own now.  Well that didn't happen but in the meantime Yahoo has been hurt significantly, in both company/stock value and search market share.

According to the article, http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_microsoft_yahoo, we care because this gives Microsoft and Bing "access to Yahoo's audience would instantly more than triple Bing's U.S. market share to 28 percent."  Or as Microsoft CEO put it, "the world will be better served for consumers, advertisers and publishers, and there will be more competition for Google, if we can somehow figure out how to get Microsoft and Yahoo together in search."  And that is key since Google's reported market share is 65% of search.

If you are not using the Yahoo and now Microsoft partnership for your search marketing, it may be time.  Ask us- Webconsuls.com.

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