You might think when it comes to proofreading that I am only concerned with assisting our own customers. This is not the case. Do you remember when I wrote "Bystander Effects on Broken Blogs and Websites"? Basically I really believe that if you come across a glaring error on someone's site or blog you should do the right thing - tell them! They will appreciate it. Go ahead "pay it forward".
We all make mistakes. Our eyes play tricks on us. We can read something so many times that we don't "see" the mistakes. For that reason, many companies (large and small) have staff that edit and proof text multiple times prior to going to "press."
So today I want to share with you 15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly. These tips are coming to you by way of Brian Clark at Copyblogger. Believe me when I tell you that almost every day I learn something helpful from the Copyblogger team.
Enjoy and remember to pass this on to others and "pay it forward".
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Awesome infographic about grammar. I always mess up "then" and "than." I've printed this out in the office and now quickly turn to it for any grammar questions.