Webconsuls Blog

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Changes for Addiction Treatment Advertisers ​on AdWords

adwords policy changes addiction
During our conference call with Google AdWords yesterday, Webconsuls was informed that AdWords advertising for the addiction treatment industry will be "dialed back" temporarily. Therefore, all clients with active AdWords campaigns may experience a decrease in paid traffic starting today. This decrease is due to Google implementing a new verification process for AdWords advertisers within the addiction treatment industry.

We were not informed how long this process will last, how addiction treatment advertisers will be vetted, or given any insight into the new verification process and what it will entail.

However, we can glean from recent activities on AdWords that the intention is to weed out false advertisers. The industry has been impacted by illegitimate advertisers abusing this online space, and it appears steps are being taken to level the playing field. Though no timeline was given, the temporary dip in AdWords traffic will likely result in right sized competition on AdWords among legitimate addiction treatment centers.

We believe this is excellent news for the long term, as we have witnessed the astronomical rise in the cost of AdWords, especially over the past 3 years. This has been due to a flux of advertisers flooding the auction and driving up the average cost per click - with many advertisers employing smoke and mirrors tactics to the detriment of vulnerable populations.

Working in this space since 1999, we have seen that Google always eventually steps up to the plate to make things fair by shifting their algorithms and policies to end abusive practices. After persistently communicating our concerns to AdWords with our clients and countless others – they listened and this will improve things for everyone, especially the addict seeking treatment.

Stay tuned for updates.

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