Webconsuls Blog

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Updating Website: Check Out This Google Tip

It is important to keep your web site current and up to date. Telephone numbers, employee names, addresses and other details change and need to be replaced with the current information. Searching your site first for all the edits to be made can save you considerable back and forth time with your Webmaster. 
  • Find all the changes to be made
  • evaluate the text on the page for need to rewrite
  • send changes in one Word document to your Webmaster.

Here is a handy search tip to help you find those items which need to be replaced or updated.
In Google's search box:
  • type the exact text you are trying find
  • space
  • site:www.yourwebsiteaddress.com (using your address and leaving no space between the colon and the www)
For example, if I were searching www.webconsuls.com for "Darin" ...
Returned will be a list of all the instances where that term appears.

If you click the link labeled "Cached" the cached page will come up with your terms highlighted for easy spotting.
Send your list of changes in a Word document to your webmaster.

After the changes are made remember to refresh your page to see the changes. This is especially helpful with larger sites with lots of text and those with blog entries.

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