Webconsuls Blog

Monday, March 9, 2009

Twitter A Rapidly Evolving Tech Meme

How Twitter's spectacular growth is being driven by unexpected uses

Serendipity the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely.

What is Twitter? Is it a status update? Is it a Social Network? Or is it a search engine akin to the Minority Report? I guess you could say it is all of these things and more, but you will not get "Twitter" unless you use it.

A meme (pronounced /mi:m/ - like theme) is a unit or element of cultural ideas, symbols or practices; such units or elements transmit from one mind to another through speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena. The etymology of the term relates to the Greek word mimema for mimic. Memes act as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate and respond to selective pressures.

Ok Great Darin, now we know what a meme is, and we have heard about twitter on tv, but seriously, how do you use it?

1) If I find a good link, movie, app, picture I tweet it.
2) If I need help on a project that I am not an expert in, I tweet it,
3) If I want to find out more on a current event (Like TED or SXSW) I search and follow those that are live "onsite"
4) If I am at a current event, and I want to keep track of old friends like http://twitter.com/Roebot, or find new like minded folks, I set up a feed of the twitter search in reader,
5) If I want to know what the hive mind is buzzing about, I check out http://twitter.com/trendingtopics

These are just a few of the ways that I am using Twitter, I hope they give you a reason to play with this "Tool / Meme" so that you can find some serendipitous uses for it that you can share back with us.

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  1. How much time do you spend reading "tweets?"

  2. Not more than 10 min a day, I spend much more time on emails, and my news feeds.

  3. From http://cli.gs/Neilsen Two-thirds of the world’s Internet population visit social networking or blogging sites, accounting for almost 10% of all internet time, thats more time than email! WOW!


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