Webconsuls Blog

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Following Twitter Posts Can Be Exhausting

It is Saturday, March 7, 2009, and I have a lot of work to do. And because I have so much to do this will be a very short blog post. I am sure you are relieved. This morning when I thought about what to write about, it occurred to me I could remind you that tonight most of you will have to remember to move your clocks forward one hour. Thankfully, living in Arizona I can scratch this task off of my list as most of Arizona does not participate in daylight saving time. Yeah! I won't be losing an hour of sleep tonight, unless I decide to read every-one's Twitter posts or tweets. Following Twitter posts can be exhausting and for the most part a waste of time.

Do I have a Twitter account? Yes. Why? Because one of my team members "hinted" it would be a good idea. Have I ever tweeted? No! Why? Because I don't have time and I am sure my 20 Twitter "followers" (notice Twitter calls them "followers," not "friends" like on Facebook) could care less about what I am doing or thinking at any given moment.

So today I will just offer an observation: Twitter has been around since 2006. But, of late, it seems that one cannot just watch the news on TV or follow a news website for headlines, you must also follow the Twitter account for the newscasters. In 140 characters we are suppose to understand the essence of the tweet. Great! So let's see: you have the television on and you better be watching the television while sitting at your PC or with your laptop in your lap or with your Blackberry or iPhone in your hand. God forbid you would miss an important "tweet."

Now most politicians are tweeting. Hmmm...I am amazed they have time to tweet, given our current state of affairs. Priorities!

I have one final thought before I get to work for our clients and prepare the paperwork for my personal income tax return: Have you ever looked up the meaning of "twitter?" As a noun the #1 definition for the word "twitter" is "a trembling agitation." By the way, an agitator is "one who stirs up public feeling on controversial issues." Imagine if Twitter's inventors chose to call Twitter "agitator?" Twitter sounds so much more innocuous, we tend to think of that cute little beloved "Tweety Bird." So, today, twitter away or tweet with your followers...I have work to do.

1 comment:

  1. Judy, it seems like we're on the same boat. I tweet here and there from time to time and have only read Darin's tweet few times but for the most part, I don't have the time for it. "Buying a tall frappuccino" I don't really care if someone is buying a frap or anything else really.

    Have a good weekend.
